containing big tech

The definitive book on Big Tech — which experts are calling “prescient,” “very timely,” and “essential reading” — delivers a clear path forward to rein in online surveillance, AI, and tech monopolies.

About Tom

Tom Kemp is a Silicon Valley-based author, entrepreneur, seed investor, and policy advisor. Tom is the author of Containing Big Tech: How to Protect our Civil Rights, Economy, and Democracy. Tom was the founder and CEO of Centrify, a leading cybersecurity cloud provider that amassed over two thousand enterprise customers. For his leadership, Tom was named by Ernst & Young as a Finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year in Northern California. Tom has served as a policy advisor for political campaigns and advocacy groups, including leading the campaign marketing efforts in 2020 to pass California Proposition 24 (the California Privacy Rights Act) and advising and contributing to the passage of state privacy laws in 2023 such as California SB 362 (the California Delete Act) and Texas SB 2105. In 2024, Tom proposed, co-drafted, and advised legislative leaders on the passage of California SB 942 (the California AI Transparency Act).

  • It is very timely to see Tom Kemp’s book Containing Big Tech lay out a clear and comprehensive vision for the reforms needed to bring accountability to the tech sector.

    Ro Khanna, Member of Congress

  • Tom Kemp’s Containing Big Tech skillfully shows how Big Tech’s overriding focus on maximizing user engagement has led us to a world of wide-scale algorithmic amplification of disinformation and extremism. If you want to know how Big Tech is threatening our democracy and contributing to society’s hyper-polarization, Kemp’s book should be at the top of your reading list.

    Alexander Vindman, Former Director for European Affairs for the United States National Security Council

  • Tom Kemp is a successful Silicon Valley entrepreneur who was on the front lines with me in helping get the California Privacy Rights Act passed in 2020 — the most comprehensive privacy law in the United States. Anyone looking to take action against Big Tech’s often insidious reach will learn much from Kemp’s timely analysis of technology’s impact on our freedoms, society, and democracy.

    Alastair Mactaggart, Co-Author of the California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA) and chairman of Californians for Consumer Privacy

  • Tom Kemp’s prescient Containing Big Tech arrives just as AI threatens to amplify all of the excesses of the tech industry — the consolidation of markets, the manipulation of people, the assault on privacy, and the loss of control over the technologies deployed. Containing Big Tech is essential reading to understand the challenges ahead and the solutions to pursue.

    Marc Rotenberg, President and Founder of the Center for AI and Digital Policy

  • A brilliant look at where the prominent tech vendors are going with Artificial Intelligence and the emerging risks with AI.

    Adriano Koshiyama, CEO of Holistic AI

  • In Containing Big Tech, Tom Kemp presents a compelling case for reining in big tech, illustrating through powerful facts and narratives the unique threats from surveillance, to privacy, addiction and exploitation of users, and the impact on competition and innovation. The impact on all of us, and our children, is both chilling and profound. A must-read to understand the threats and challenges posed by Big Tech on society.

    Nita Farahany, author, The Battle for Your Brain: Defending the Right to Think Freely in the Age of Neurotechnology, Robinson O. Everett Professor of Law & Philosophy at Duke University

  • Tom Kemp is a highly regarded tech entrepreneur and prolific Silicon Valley angel investor. I can’t think of anyone better to lift the curtain on the damage that tech giants are causing to our society and economy.

    Steve Tout, Host of the Nonconformist Innovation podcast

  • From digital surveillance to data brokers to AI, Kemp examines Big Tech and their ecosystem with brilliant clarity and provides opportunities for individuals and legislators to rein in tech monopolies. A truly eye-opening read.

    Jeff Jockisch, Host of the Your Bytes, Your Rights podcast

  • Tom Kemp is an expert in cybersecurity and privacy. His eloquent writing and detailed knowledge of the tech space provide a clear road map to protect against the over-collection and misuse of your data.

    Debbie Reynolds, host of the Data Diva Talks Privacy podcast

  • Tom Kemp’s Containing Big Tech is a refreshing and insightful look at how Big Tech is over-collecting our data, using AI in problematic ways, and dominating key digital markets. If you want to learn more about the impact of Big Tech on our society, read this book.

    Christopher A. Smith, author of The Privacy Pandemic

  • Tom Kemp does an impressive job of comprehensively looking at the policy issues associated with Big Tech and comparing and contrasting how European and US regulators are desperately trying to play catchup. This book could not be timelier.

    Lydia de la Torre, Board Member at the California Privacy Protection Agency, Adjunct Professor at UC Davis Law School, and Founding Partner of Golden Data Law, Public Benefit Corporation

  • Concerned about violations to your online privacy and the impact of AI on society? Tom Kemp’s Containing Big Tech will demystify what the large tech players are doing with your personal information and how you can better protect yourself and your kids.

    Debra J. Farber, Host of The Shifting Privacy Left Podcast

  • Tom Kemp’s probing analysis of the interlocking issues of data privacy and digital surveillance is especially timely. Containing Big Tech is a compelling must-read for government policymakers and all those concerned with our collective online futures.

    Stuart N. Brotman, Distinguished Fellow, The Media Institute and author of Privacy’s Perfect Storm

  • Tom Kemp's Containing Big Tech is very eloquently written and explains how we got to the point where our precise location and movements are constantly tracked and sold to unknown players globally. Kemp's thoughtful and detailed book shows us a clear path forward to ensure consumers have the right to privacy and how the excesses of today's technology behemoths can be contained and reined in.

    Rick Arney, Co-Author of the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) and Proposition 24, The California Privacy Rights Act (CPRA)

  • Tom Kemp’s Containing Big Tech carefully directs the reader to the real problem of tech. Not the easy narrative of predators and child victims but a business model whose features and norms routinely expose children to personal and commercial exploitation. His analysis that privacy equals child safety is one that I applaud, and both businesses and politicians should take urgent action. The sector cannot build its new world order on the backs of children. Instead, we need respectful and detoxified systems that put children’s well-being at the heart of design.

    Baroness Beeban Kidron, chair of the 5Rights Foundation

  • Privacy is one of the most critical issues of our time. Tom Kemp's Containing Big Tech not only further raises awareness of the severity of the issue but provides a roadmap for how different stakeholders can better govern and protect the use of our most sensitive personal data.

    — Lourdes M. Turrecha, Founder of the Rise of Privacy Tech (TROPT), privacy tech Angel investor and board advisor, and startup Chief Privacy Officer

The California AI Transparency Act

The California AI Transparency Act is now law! California Senate Bill 942 is a groundbreaking bill aimed at allowing individuals to determine whether content has been generated by Artificial Intelligence. Tom is pleased to have proposed, co-drafted, testified, and advised lawmakers and advocacy groups on this law.

The California Delete Act

The California Delete Act is now law! Tom is pleased to have advised and contributed to its passage, which State Senator Josh Becker introduced as California Senate Bill 362. This law creates an online portal for consumers to request that data brokers delete any data they have on the consumer and no longer track them. One can think of this law as the equivalent of legislation that gave us the incredibly popular “Do Not Call” registry.